© 2004 Invotech
All right Reserved


Protect your investment with a copyright:

When you site is complete it should be registered with the United States Copyright office. Like that new color TV you just bought - once you have paid for it, it belongs to you. The designers copyright has no place on your property.  Stolen art, photographs, and text are proliferating on the Internet. Using these materials is a violation of copyright laws that can save the design house a lot of money. Avoid lawsuits by making sure the designers use only material that can be proven to be legally yours or theirs or are certifiably royalty free. Never use a photograph of a person without a signed model release even if it is one of your relatives. Invotech never uses stolen material, in fact we can protect your images...

Winning designs:

These award winning illustrations are protected with Digimarc copyrights - invisible digital watermarks that are traceable on the Internet. All were winners in the World Design Contest. 

 Grand Prize

Product Illustration Winner

Landscape Winner